The Truth About Vinyl Replacement Windows

The Truth About Vinyl Replacement Windows

Headingly, MB replacement windows

Replacement windows not only add value and style to your home, but they will also help keep you and your loved ones comfortable. But if you’re looking to invest in new replacement windows for your Headingly, MB home, what kind of material should your new windows be? The most common options are wood and vinyl. A lot of homeowners are shying away from choosing vinyl because they’ve heard myths that make it seem like a bad option.

But, when considering vinyl for your home, you need to get the facts. You shouldn’t rule it out because of outdated information or rumors – especially because vinyl offers a lot of benefits. Considering vinyl? Learn the truth behind the most common vinyl myths:

  • All Synthetic Materials like Vinyl are Bad for the Environment – Just because something is synthetic doesn’t mean it’s bad. All materials, no matter if they’re natural or man-made, have an impact on our planet – and vinyl’s might even be good! A 2014 AAMA study found that vinyl provides environmental benefits equal to or better than those of other synthetic building materials.
  • Vinyl Fuels Building Fires – Most vinyl is made from a mixture that contains 57% salt; Since salt is resistant to combustion, vinyl does not fuel fires. In reality, vinyl can help slow down the spread of a fire and save lives. Also, the National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) approved vinyl for use as insulation for electrical and data transmission cables and uses in the interior of airplanes. It is important to note that vinyl does melt when exposed to fire and release carbon monoxide. But that is true of almost every single substance.
  • Vinyl is Bad for the Environment – Some people think that vinyl is a big source of dioxin, a by-product of different industrial and incineration processes that’s bad for the environment. But in reality, it’s not. In fact, as reported by the EPA, the dioxin levels in the atmosphere have been declining for the last thirty years, which is the same timeframe that vinyl production has tripled. So, the amount of dioxin in the atmosphere would be the same with or without vinyl.
  • Vinyl is Not Recyclable – Vinyl is recyclable! It’s considered a thermoplastic, which means that it can melt and be remolded as many times as necessary. In fact, vinyl scraps saved from garbage and recycling provide about 1 billion pounds of material to make new vinyl products every single year and 99% of manufactured vinyl is used in multiple products. That means only 1% of vinyl is wasted. Want more convincing? Around 18 million pounds of used vinyl is recycled every year to be used in everything from more windows to pool liners, fences and more.

Vinyl isn’t as bad as some people think it is, especially since the building products industry has had recent and significant advancements in technology. Vinyl isn’t dangerous or harmful, it can actually be helpful.

Pioneer Window & Door Mfg. Ltd is here to help if you want to learn more about vinyl or your options for Headingly, MB replacement windows.

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